Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • International Women’s Day…

    Today is a day of contemplation, meditation, reflection and recognition. I have always been eager and committed to honouring, promoting and celebrating the women that have inspired me. Some are famous. Some are titans of business. Some are just incredible women that I have met over the years; friends, mentors and family. Since my diagnosis…

  • A Reflection on Breast Cancer Awareness Month

    As October comes to an end I want to take inventory of what it all means. Once you’ve had breast cancer, every month is an “awareness ” month. A day doesn’t go by without the harsh reality of what cancer does to those it touches. I am one of the lucky ones who survived. Yes…

  • I ask not for me… but for the many women who need help!

    The Pink Diamond Gala charity event took place this past weekend. Six hundred and fifty people were in attendance to support women and men battling breast cancer. After Breast Cancer, provides women with mastectomy bras, drainage tube pockets, prosthesis, comfort and support all free of charge. Many women do not have insurance that will cover…

  • Mirror, mirror on the wall. I don’t recognize this body, not at all.

    I have been very open about my struggles with body image, self confidence and my bouts of anxiety. Cancer has certainly tested me, physically, mentally and emotionally and left me with scars that may never fully heal. Throughout my journey I have sought to find people, groups and communities of other cancer survivors that I…

  • The quieter you become, the more you hear

    It’s December 31st, the end of another year; a time to think, reflect and process. For me, 2022 was another year spent on a journey to better health. It was a tough Fall. I contracted a bad bout of Covid in September. On October 6th I underwent my 8th surgery to release scar tissue that…

  • Forward is forward; even if it’s at a snail’s pace

    We are nearing the end of the month, October, breast cancer awareness month. But for those of us who’ve been touched by this terrible disease, we are more than aware every month, every week, every day. I am now three weeks out from my last surgery, October 6th. I’ve had some issues with my incisions,…

  • You don’t need to remind me…

    …Been there; done that; bought the t-shirt! Yes, its October…and its Breast Cancer Awareness Month…and I am truly thankful for all the posts and articles and fundraisers that are taking place. It’s wonderful and we all need to learn more, do more, give more and share more about this heinous disease. But October is not…

  • Covid is over? I beg to differ!

    For almost three years I have been the queen of covid precautions. I wear a mask in public…even though most people have shelved theirs. I disinfect my hands constantly. I won’t touch a shopping cart unless it’s been wiped down. I avoid any in-person events even though I’m desperate to see friends and colleagues…and yet…I…

  • “Hello darkness my old friend; I’ve come to talk with you again…”

    The Sound of Silence…That has been my existence lately. I haven’t posted for several weeks and even now I’m finding it difficult. Why would I write a post when nothing has changed. When I am still suffering from the same things without relief, or hope that things will ever get better. I am lucky that…

  • June 13, 2018

    It’s hard to be1ieve that its been five years that have passed since I underwent a bilateral mastectomy in order to rid myself of breast cancer. It has been a long journey with many ups and downs. There’s been days that I thought I couldn’t deal with the physical and mental pain anymore, but somehow…

  • April 30, 2018…

    can you remember what you did that day? Four years ago today I heard the words that forever changed me. Without so much as a glance my way, a surgeon opened a file and began to tell me the results of my biopsy. “You have cancer.” ” Excuse me, I have what?????!!!!” That scene, even…

  • Sometimes life has a way of knocking you down…

    …but it’s up to us to get up and fight! I haven’t posted lately, for many reasons. Probably the most important reason is I’ve found myself struggling;and although I have shared the honest truth of my journey with breast cancer, I have always had a “positive” spin on things; something uplifting to say. But lately…

  • World Cancer Day…

    …or everyday when you’ve been diagnosed. April 30, 2018 was the day my life changed forever. It’s the day that my world was turned upside down. It’s the day I heard the words “YOU HAVE CANCER”. I was thrust into a new world that would forever be changed. Everything from that point on was categorized…

  • Sharing is Caring

    Tonight I am sharing my journey with breast cancer on a popular podcast called “Showing Up…Perspectives on Cancer” Hope you can tune in. Thank you to all my readers for your encouragement and support ❤ https://www.linkedin.com/video/event/urn:li:ugcPost:6885282461526331392

  • Masking the pain of breast cancer

    This month the world is celebrating breast cancer awareness. Maybe “celebrating” isn’t the right word…as I can honestly tell you there is NOTHING about having breast cancer to celebrate! This month the world has focused on this horrific disease and bringing as much awareness and information as possible to women everywhere. One in seven women…

  • October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month…check your boobs, mine tried to kill me

    Cancer has no face until it is yours or someone you know. One in seven women will be diagnosed with breast cancer and one in three people will be diagnosed with some form of cancer. Those are very scary odds…and they are very real. Cancer doesn’t care if you are young or old; rich or…

  • Looking to get away this summer? I don’t recommend a hospital holiday!

    Summertime, and the living is easy…unless you’re me. I was fortunate enough to get away to the cottage for some R and R. I needed it…we all do. We’ve all been in lockdown for so long that even the idea of getting away on holiday is exciting. Unfortunately, I was hit with an acute stomach…

  • Join me as I share my journey live tonight.

  • How Will You Be Remembered?

    Three days ago I lost a family member, My Aunt Gayle. She actually was my father’s first cousin, but I’ve always thought of her as my Aunt. She was a firecracker of a woman. She was as wide as she was tall, loud and full of joy. She was warm, compassionate and always ready and…

  • Hit Me With Your Best Shot

    …actually I’ll take any shot thank you! Yes, I’ve had my second dose; woohoo. My first vaccine was Astrazenica and my second was Moderna. I had a reaction to both vaccines; fever, aches, pains and extreme fatigue, but it only lasted a few days and the symptoms disappeared as quickly as they came on. I…

  • Incanceration; life without parole

    It was three years today that I underwent my bilateral mastectomy. Three years now served of my life sentence with cancer. Since beginning this journey, I have tried to maintain a positive attitude, always trying to remain hopeful and happy that I am “cancer free”. This however could change. I have met and know of…

  • A journey of 1000 days.Actually 1095!

    Three years ago today I was told I had breast cancer. Three years…1095 days and a different life ago. Once you’ve been told you have cancer, your life really does change. All of a sudden everything you took for granted is no longer reliable. You are immediately faced with your own mortality…your future…and how long…

  • A badge of honour…and I wear it proudly!

    Today I received the first dose of the Covid-19 vaccine. I’ve never been so excited to get a needle in my whole life. I know that sounds a bit dramatic but given the state of the world….well need I say more?! It was this week 3 years ago that I was diagnosed with breast cancer.…

  • And in an instant my friend was gone forever

    Sharing is caring. I know that may sound cliche and a bit naive but that has been my mission since being diagnosed with cancer. When I was told I had breast cancer and would have to undergo a mastectomy I was shocked. I remember feeling numb…until that wore off and fear set in. I started…

  • What kind of day are you having?

    Today is Friday…the end of the week and a spring board into the weekend; a chance to relax and recharge before Monday and the next week begins. At least that is what we all hope for…and what we all need. For me, the weekend offers a bit of a reprieve from the struggle I face…

Got any book recommendations?